Education in Japan
Usually, Japanese children go to
elementary school
junior high school
high school
but after high shool, people get in college, work, university... It depends on their mind.
when I was elementary school student, I went to the school on foot. Class begins from 8:30 and eat school lunch at there. I studied math, science, history, geography, Japanese and so on.(except English) Some of my friends go to cram school and tried to get in private junior high school because their parents think getting in private junior high school is better than public junior high school.
after that, I get in public junior high school. school begins same time and finished until 4pm. But many students join a club so they will stay until 6pm. We begins to start English from the time.
In public junior high school, education is not good very much. So almost every students go to cram school after their junior high school. Actually, I went to cram school every two days. It was so hard for me.
compulsory education is finished in public junior hith school. But most of students get in high school because if they don't get in ,it is so hard for them to get good jobs. From high school, students can get jobs.
The education style is almost same in elementary, junior high and high school)
there is a teacher in front of students and he or she will speak whole of the class. Students cannot say anything without permittion. If they really want to ask question, they should raise hand of them. Moreover, students must not be lasy. They sit on their chair in order and don't chatting with their friends. Teachers have much much power against students. It is so easy for them to maintain students. But sometimes teachers said wrong things, students cannot reject it. So stuednts talk to their parents and their parents go to the school and complain about it.( sometimes)
Besides many junior high school and high school have uniform, If students wear them lasy, teachers will be angry.
I was really suprised at one thing. In America, students use calculater for math. BUT in Japan, if you use calculater, teachers will be angry because it is seemed as cheating.
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