Friday, June 30, 2006

Malaysia(Kuala Lumpur)

I went to Malaysia on 2005 summer.

The place was soooo humid and hot.....I always walk there on foot but it was so hard...

At the night, there are some stands which sold many things. Sometimes there are fake goods but I know there are fake and it is very intersting for me to see them. Many people say "Fake is not good, unofficial is bad things." But they have to know about people who live in poor countries. If many shops sell by official price, just rich people can buy goods(like DVD, CD, clocks) I think it is sorry for poor people. Of course, they know the goods are fake but they can enjoy the taste......

Actually ,I thought fake is bad befor I went to many countries. But If you go to many countries, especially poor countries, you must know it is normal and fake is not bad.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Palace and Gardens of Schönbrunn

Schonbrunn is the national heritage in Wien!! The heritaege is so sophisticated.

The day was in February but we didn't prepare for the cold at all. So I felt so cold.......mmmm...

At that day, my friend was so tired and didn't want to go outside. Then, I went to go outside alone and see many things. There are many people at night in Wien.

←hey! don't sleep.....

Monday, June 26, 2006


I went to Wien on 2004 February. The city is so beautiful and food is very good. Especially, cake is Sooooooooooo delicious. Actually, I don't like sweat so much, but at that time I always eat cake in Austria.

Of course the food is not cake, but it is very delicious and tasety!!!! There is only one problem in Austria....Things are expensive....In Japan everything is also expensive but in Austria, things are more expensive than Japan....

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Praha Castle

Praha castle is VERY huge!!!! Of course, it was the first time for me and my friend to go Praha castle. The main Chapel was big, so we seems so tiny compared with the chapel.....of course, I am so small...hahaha

The road which goes to the castle was so hard...maybe you can see how the street is tough. We were tired, so when we back to hotel we slept so soon.

                my friend→

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Charles Bridge(Praha)

The bridge is made around 1400. The bridge is so beautiful, I think the reason is Praha is not hot and the air is so clean. Of course, the bridge is made by rocks and there are many people who like the bridge!

After that I and my friend eat lunch...We always walked around cities, so we were tired so much. We stop by a nice restraunt and eat lunch. I ate beef but I forget the name of the food.....

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


I went to Czech on Februay 2005. My friend went with me. Czech is a very beautiful country and Praha is very famous for the river. Ther river's name is Moldau(Vltava) which is very beautiful river.

Praha is very cold on February. I think there are not so many peple there because of cold weather. The city is so calm and solitary a little bit. I thought it is not so very safe but maybe it was just my imagination.

This is the main street in Praha. The building is Nationl Museum. Of course, I went there and that was nice museum. When I walked on the street with my friend, one of the people said to us "Are you guys Chinese?". Maybe people who are not Asian cannot figure out the diffrence among Chinese and Korean and Japanese. hahaha

Monday, June 19, 2006

Food in Singapore

In Singapore, you can eat many countries food. The food is made by people who are from their own countries. You can eat Chinese food which is made by Chinese.


←in Indian restraunt

In Singapore, there are not so many European or African restraunts. Singapore is made by Asian. Therefore, the races are Chinese, Indian and many east Asian people. They came to Singapore recently so their food is almost same as their country.

But there are few Japanese restraunt.....I like cooking, so maybe I should stay there and run a Japanese restraunt.hahaha

Sunday, June 18, 2006


I went to Singapore in 2005 Fall. Singapore is a very tiny country, there is just 618 square kilometer. Singapore is Soooooooo humid and hot......T-T

The temparature is always above 100F and very humid....

There are many races in singapore. Indian, Chinese, Southeast Aisa people. They live in each of areas. It is called Chinese town, Indian area and so on. When I went to Singapore, it was the first time for me to go abroad by myself. I felt it was dangerous, but now I think Singapore is safest country around the world. I don't exaggerate because the law is so strict in Singapore.


Saturday, June 17, 2006

Longmen Grottoes(龍門洞窟)

There is a nationaly heritage in LuoYang(洛阳=洛陽)

Longmen Grottoes(龍門洞窟). It was bulid long time ago. Maybe you cannot imagine how bit it is. However, it is so big!!

Comparing these two pictures.

The above of two pictures is the part of red square in below picture.....It is so huge and the second picture doesn't show whole of the heritage....The heritage is so big but the carvings are so elaborate!!

Friday, June 16, 2006

Luo Yang (洛阳=洛陽) in China

I went to Beijing(北京) for one month. During the time, I went to Luo Yang (洛阳=洛陽). It takes 10hours from Beijing by train. I went to China on March, it was still cold and many people caught cold, but they want to go Luo Yang. It was really fun and good experience for me.

Luoyang is different from Beijing. Beijing is sophiscated and capitalize, but Luo Yang is not sophiscated so much. I went to Longmen Grottoes(龍門洞窟). It is a world heritage and very huge. I will write about it tomorrow...please looking forward to seeing it xD

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Restraunt in Beijing(Peking)

There are many restraunts in Beijing (北京)city. Actually, some restraunts are not good. I think you can figure out whether a restraunt is good or not because good restraunt desingn is better than other. Of course, food is expensive in good restraunts, but it is expensive for Chinese.

If you pay 5$ you can eat in a good restraunt.....the famous restraunt "吉野家" is in Beijing. In japan the restraunt is one of the cheapest restraunt but in China it is very expensive restraunt because things are too expenseive in Japan compared to China...


In Beijing, I went to many restraunt. Italian restraunt "Tafi", Japanese restraunt "貴花田" and "万里" and so on. These restraunts are good and near from the station "五道口". Of course, I always eat Chinese food but Chinese food is oily so I sometimes go to other restraunts.....


My favorite Chinese food is "麻婆豆腐"!!!!! It is really good and I always eat it. hahaha

Besides, there was unique reatraunt. "Tibet(西蔵)"restraunt is very intersting restraunt. Unfortunately, I couldn't go there but if I have a chance I want to go there..

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Zoo in Beijing (北京动物园)

The Zoo is so big, there are many kinds of birds and animals. Especially Panda(熊猫)is the famous animal in there. That was the first time for me to see Panda. It was so cute and calm.

There are some other animals, monkey, tiger, elephante and so on... The zoo was huge, so I couldn't see all of the animals...

The big problem was that most of Chinese cannot read and speak English at all So, when I tried to use an international student card, nobody admited it because they cannot read it. Maybe they don't know the card...


Tuesday, June 13, 2006

City of Beijing(Peking 北京)

The city of Beijing is very big. There are a lot of people and crowded.

Actually, air was so dirty and there are some beggars on the streets. Maybe Tokyo is much more clean than Beijing.... But things are much much cheaper than Japan. In China, things cost less than 1/6 compared to Japan.

Moreover, Chinese are very energitic. When I went to Luoyang(洛阳) I met with one of the Chinese boy on the train. I think he was 14 years old or 13 years old.

He said "I will go to my friend house." I and my friends(Japanese) thought it took less than 3 hours....But he said the station's name where he would go. IT TAKES 15 HOURS FROM THERE.

Besides, he stood on the train for 15hours without anythings. He was just standing and go there...I was so suprised and envy the strength. After that, I really think about my position, I am so lucky and I have to be more strong!!

Monday, June 12, 2006

The Great Wall(万里長城)

I think many people know The Great Wall. The Wall was build a long time ago.

It was so long and I couldn't see end of the wall. But the wall was made by people without compricated technology.

In China, there are a lot of strange things. By The Great Wall, there is a wierd restraunt. I think the restraunt is mixed with McDonald's and Kentucky Fried Chicken. The character was so funny, I was so laughing. hahaha

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Old Palace(故宮) in Beijing(北京)

Old palace is in Beijing(Peking)

Old Palace was used as a palace of the emperor. Now, many people come to see it and it is a very huge, beautiful and solemn biulding.

↑I took this picture from Tian an men guang chang(天安門広場)

Maybe, many people cannot understand how big the palace is. Then, I took picture of the palace from the hill behind the palace. That was so huge and enormous. I've never seen such a big palace.

Saturday, June 10, 2006


I went to China in 2005 spring. It was a short studing program. Compared to Japan, things are very cheap in China. It is about 1/6~1/8.

I stayed in Beijing University for one month. It was very good experience for me.

Beijing is very big city and there are many people.

↑the west gate of Beijing University

I went Beijing on February, it was so cold. The river was frozen and we could stand on the ice.It was scared^^^^^.

Friday, June 02, 2006


We always use honorific. I think some Asian countries use honorific, but especially Japan use honorific very much.

If you meet with elder person. YOU MUST USE honorific to them. Neverthless, you are seemed so impolite person or not educated person. Sometimes people will hate you. Of course, Japanese don't care about foreigner so much.(I mean honorific) If foreigner cannot use honorific or don't know it, we don't care about it.

the exception is mother, father, grandmother or something ralatives.

I never use honorific to them. but it is ok.

BUT there is other exception. If the post is high they have to use honorific even though people who are high rank are yonger.

for example

Masa(my name) is 22years old and he is junior in Japanese college.

Takuya is 21years old and he is senior in Japanes college.

which one should use honorific?

the anser is that I have to use honorific to Takuya in Japanese college. The post is more strong than age.(not always...) It is so complicated and Japanese are sometimes confused about it. But everybody is care about it and if you want to act as Japanese, you should know the custom.