Monday, November 19, 2007


I'm studying about integration of East Asia.

Studying East Asia is very interesting. Each countries have their own cultures, economics, education. In this meaning Japan is different from other countires. Japan has much money compared to other countries.

So, other countries sometimes complain about that Japan should contribute the development for East Asia.

However there are a lot of difference among Asian countries. It is very difficult for them but Japan should contribute the development of East Asia.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

What I have done since March

I haven't written my weblog so long.

I want to write what I have done since March.

From April, I had been tring to get job............... I submit over 60 companies and just one company hire me. In Japan it sometimes happen when university students try to get job.

Moreover, I have to study for credit and work as volunteer of students advisers for studying abroad. I had been so busy..................My friends finish job hunting until May so I was so anxious about it.

However, finally I got job in June and finish first term in July !!! So, I always hung out with my friends and have some parties, traveling and so on. haha

I'm still senior and I do not have to get credit so much in next term. So, I will go to many places and make as many friends as I possible. Also, I submit for WFP as a volunteer in Japan. If they admit me to be a volunteer I have many chance to know many people and join event.

I went many countries and want to go more countries. But I think most important thing is making friends and know their cultuer, think about the countries. I already went to many countries but it is meanless if I do not learn anything from the traveling. I want to know more things and think about what I can do in my life. That is what I will do during rest of my life in University.


I haven't written my weblog so looooooong time........

There are some reasons!

I had to get job and work as volunteer of students adviser in my University.

Yay! anyways I got job and I will work in a company.

But I'm still senior so I can go everywhere and make friends !!

Friday, March 09, 2007


I'll go to Germany for one week :)

from 13th to 19th in March !!

my schedule

March Germany
May Cuba
June Korea
Actober to September China
Novemever India
December Korea
January February March Europe


Thursday, December 07, 2006

oh my god!

I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooo busy these days...

Therefore, I don't have to write weblog....


I'll write again if I have time x)

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Japanese University

Japanese University is much different from American University.

When people pass the exam for entering the university it is easy to graduate. In some classes, students can get credit if they attend the classes. Sometimes my friends were absent 10times in a class, they could get credit(there are less than 20 meeting in the class)

The reason is that in Japan, students can do what they want to do. If they want to study, they can study. If they want to join internship, thay can join it even though they are taking classes.

Maybe American come to Japanese University and think that is crazy but they should know the reasons.

Actually, students study Sooooooo hard to get in the university. They memorize all of the world history, studied English as they read novel or something.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

tendency of Japanese(or Asian)

It is tendency of Japanese to use such pictures....

Do you understand what I mean???

I know many American or people who are not Japanese use a picture for their profile. The picture shows just them.

But, it is kind of strange behavior for Japanese. I think it is common that Japanese use a lot of humbleness. They don't want to show their face for their profile pictures. If you use it, it seems you have too much confidence about yourself and sometimes other people think you are not a good person.

I want to use a picture of me for facebook profile and try to imitate American's one.... But one day, I forget the point and use such picture...

haha, at that time, I felt I am absolutely Japanese.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Japanese food

There was a lecture in the class about the company (Kikkoman) recently.

The company is about selling Soy sauce.(Syoyu)

The company's laboratoties are alomst in Wisconsin. Actually, I was there for one year and saw many Soy sauce. But I think American think Soy sauce is kind of just a sauce....

When I went to dining room in my university I always saw Soy sauce is just used as one of the sauce like Mayonnaise.... They didn't use Soy sauce as Seasoning.

When I make food, I usually use Soy sauce as Seasoning. Using with soup, burning with meat and so on. I think if the company notice the point, American will know about Japanese food much more than now. ...